Your hosts for this seminar are Catherine Austin Fitts, president of Solari,
Inc. and successful Wall Street and Washington DC investment banker, and
Sanders, President of The Moneychangers and successful farmer, and precious metals
expert. For an overview see the Product Description and
course Outline below. For a quick rundown on how our audio
seminars are conducted, see How Solari Audio Seminars Work.
You are encouraged to do the Recommended Reading before or after listening to this audio seminar, and, as time allows, to enhance your understanding even further via the Additional Links listed below. We will end each event with a brief invocation. |
This audio seminar was recorded live on
July 22, 2005.
We live in an abundant world. However, we have built an economy where making money
all too often destroys our real wealth -- our environment, our communities, our health,
our skill base and our financial well being.
In this seminar, Franklin
Sanders helps us see the difference between chasing "money profits" in a political
economy and enjoying financial prosperity by growing real wealth.
- What is the difference between money and real wealth?
- How do we get out of the "hot money" game and back to building real wealth?
- What are the attitudes, behavior and activities that create real wealth?
- How do we create products and services that are of real value?
- How do we build sustainable infrastructure, enterprises and tools?
At his Top of the World Farm in Tennessee, Franklin Sanders is a living example
of real wealth building. With his wife Susan, he is a successful precious metals dealer,
farmer and author. He and Susan have seven beautiful children and even more grandchildren.
From a lifetime of experience on the ground, there is no one better at de-mystifying
our current money system or describing the opportunity to get back to the basics of
building real wealth.
"One of the points I like to make to people who have contemplated economic crash
way too long is ...that the morning after the crash, someone is going to wake up wanting
breakfast. And someone else is going to cook breakfast for them.
– Franklin Sanders
This audio seminar is one of our favorites -- and essential background for anyone
who wants to get out of a political economy that is destroying our world and get back
to building real wealth.

- Introduction
- What is the Difference Between Money and Wealth?
- The History of Coinage and Money Systems
- The Greek Example – Risks that Money Creates – Production vs Speculation
- America's Confusion – Making Money Profits vs Building Real Wealth
- Money Profits – Dependency on the Federal Credit and It's Speculation
- Recognizing This Parasitic Economy ("The Tapeworm")
- Fundamental Principles of Building Real Wealth
#1 Service
How do you get people to give you their money? You serve them.
You give them something they really need.
#2 Invest in Your Self & Your Own Business
Money can not provide reliable security – skills and small business can
- Local Venture Capital Example
Investing Equity in Mississippi – Chicken Packing Plant, Lumber Yard and
other businesses that were long term investments that created wealth in their day.
Looking at the World Around Us with Wonder and Creating a Community that
Has a Commitment to Building Wealth Together
Portfolio Strategy Simulation by Catherine's Solari Investor Circle
Local liquid portfolio:
Cash, bank CD's and precious metals
Local non liquid portfolio
Home and home improvements
Local investments
Global, liquid portfolio:
Stocks, bonds and foreign currencies
- Global, illiquid
Land abroad
Lessons learned:
The key investment decision has been deciding where we wanted to live and who
we wanted to live with.
The local non liquid portfolio has the best opportunities. However, it requires
a significant investment of time
- Building Real Wealth Requires Real Effort
- Taking Our Money Back from Intermediaries
- Seeing the Dependency of our Assets on the Federal Credit
Example: Diversified Portfolio of Bonds, Stocks and Bank CD's
Example: Tennessee Farm Business
Risk: Dependency on Military Force
Security Comes from Building Real Wealth, Not From Making Money Profits
Example: Jiffy Mix
Example: Who Made Money During the Great Depression?
The Risks and Effort Involved in Building Real Enterprises
The Opportunity to Reverse the Export-Import Flows of Our Bank Deposits and Investments
& the Dangers of Intermediation
Example: The Tennessee Constitution
Solari Model: Creating Wealth by Reducing Debt and Reducing Consumption
Transforming Beyond Intermediaries and Professional
Question & Answer Period
–The Outlook for the US Dollar
–Reclaiming Personal Sovereignty

Franklin highly recommends the book Money
and Man: A Survey of Monetary Experience, by Eglin Groseclose, Ungar Publishing,
1967. And Catherine highly recommends Franklin's newsletters and reports available
at The Moneychanger (click on the Moneychangers
Subscription Offer at left for special offer to our listeners).
See also Other Links below for additional background and
Related Audio Seminars & Links
- View / download an audio transcript
- Solari Audio Seminars available at:
- Navigate the Falling Dollar
- Where Would Jesus Bank (and Other Good Folks Too)?
- Getting Started with Coming Clean
- Investing in Silver & Gold Coins
- Building a Wonderful World
- a short slide presentation Introduction to the Tapeworm Economy and Coming Clean

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